Day 4
Another early morning. 0420 formation before the PT test. 55 pushups, 61 situps and a 16:29 2 mile run for me. Which gives me 220 points on the 300 point scale that the Army uses. Then off to get weighed again (lost 3.5 lbs from last night) and then taped (I passed.... just about the best thing that I can say.... need to hit the gym tonight.). Then we had off until 1230. A quick review of dental and vision records (looks like I am getting new glasses... at least they aren't BCG's (army slang for the glasses they used to issue.. Birth Control Glasses... as in you are not getting laid wearing these)) and then we were done for the day (1530!!! Nice to have that time off).
Day 5
A nice little PT at the late hour of 0545. Then a very quick shower as we had to meet a quick deadline to be in an auditorium for a briefing by the the Battalion Commander and his Command Sergeant Major. After that we had one last line to sit in, waiting for shots (of course I get to the front and they tell me I am good to go). A bunch of barracks cleaning and then off chow. Then we had a class given by our platoon mentor and were finally released at around 1600 (and most importantly I get to shift off this PSG position to someone else after getting my "go" at the position).
Now all that is left is an 0600 Charge of Quarters on Saturday morning (basically sitting around for 3 hours in the morning and doing whatever tasks are required of me and my partner for that time). Then I am free for the rest of the weekend!